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To keep your body fit, you can’t always wait for a special time to exercise; it doesn’t deliver the benefits of a regular, sustained daily exercise routine - Exercising prevents weight gain, improves the quality of sleep and allows you to perform better at work among its several benefits. That being said, there is always a way to sneak exercise into your day no matter how crazy your schedule is. Below are few easy suggestions:

  1. Skipping: Got a jump rope and can spare 10 minutes? You are on your way to burning calories fast. Skipping works on the arms, legs, knees and ankles. It helps to reduce belly fat and builds endurance
  2. Staircase run/quick walk: With little time to hit the gym, it is advisable to always ditch the elevator and take the stairs. It helps engage the muscles, increase fitness and blood circulation.
  3. Wall Squats: Put your back flat against the wall with your feet out in front of you and knees at a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for as long as possible — you’ll definitely feel a great burn in your thighs.
  4. Cycling: Whenever you need to make a quick dash to the grocery store, cycle rather than drive. Cycling is a fun exercise and makes you a more aware person. Always remember to wear a helmet.

With the above exercises and little time invested, it is possible to keep fit.